Monday, December 14, 2009
First place went to Alberto Rigon, second place to Mario Traversi and third place to Paulo Alexandre. Honourable mentions went to Stuart Williams, Jean-Paul Vermeulen and Mario Traversi.
Kupfula had a strong showing among the exhibitors with quite a few members participating, and Moçambique Aventura as well, taking 2nd and 3rd place.
Overall the content and level of photography has improved a lot since the first edition of the competition, with a lot more photography from outside of Maputo. Even though the level of photography has improved there were fewer participants this year compared to last year. So to all of you nature photographers, keep watching this space for news of the next competition and in the mean time sharpen your skills and get out there and visit the wild places in Mozambique. This photo competition is set to become a permanent fixture of Mozambique.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Gorongosa Newsletter

The Gorongosa National Park Newsletter has a feature on the Grupo Moçambique Aventura trip to the park and Gorongosa Mountain.
Newsletter article
Read how our adventures unfolded in this beautiful and wild place. The camaraderie, enjoyment, frustration and exhilaration of our trip to the top of this beautiful mountain, as well as through the park itself where we saw many unusual animals in a truly wild setting makes for an interesting tale. We are currently preparing for our next adventure, this time to Monte Namuli near Nampula. This is the second highest mountain in Mozambique.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Vida Selvagem II Photo Exhibition

The Vida Selvagem II Photo Exhibition is now on at the Museum of Natural History in Maputo and runs until the 20th of December 2009. On the 11th of December at 18:00 there will be a prize giving ceremony at the same venue. Come and support our photographers and see some of the best wildlife images taken in Mozambique, and cast your own vote as to which is the best picture!
Below is the link to the site
The site Areas de Conservação TransFronteira (ACTF) have more information on the competition

The Mozambique Aventura Photo Exhibition has been given a new lease on life and is presented on the Gorongosa Park site at the following address:
Check it out as there are quite a few interesting pictures there.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
AMF New Board is inaugurated - 6th of November 2009
A two year program was presented to members and consisted of improving membership, monthly photography workshops with prominent local and visiting photographers, an annual AMF photographic exhibition, creating a website as well as monthly newsletter to be distributed to members and sympathisers. The goal is to involve more members in these activities because it is only through member participation that the AMF can grow to become a relevant Photograpers organisation.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
ATCM quadbike racing - Maputo
Friday, October 30, 2009
Photo Exhibition - Moçambique Ao Vivo

Last night was the opening of a new Exhibition, Moçambique ao Vivo, by Photography group Kupfula. All the photos are in colour and show a Mozambique that is alive and vibrant with diverse interpretations by the 9 members exhibiting. The show will run until the 8th of November at the AMF Gallery in Maputo (in front of Hotel Avenida).
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sofobomo Chapter 2 - preparations
So far pictures have been of waves and clouds, my two favourite subjects for time and motion studies. I also tried stacking some Cokin ND filter on top of the 10 stop filter - however the mix of glass and plastic as well as the bouncing reflections meant that those images were mostly useless. I find I need another 6 stops of darkness.. but Schneider has stopped making their darker filter, and only do this 10stop one. Pity. Still, a lot of fun experimenting with this new filter, which makes it MUCH easier to work with time.
My previous exploits in this area were with polariser filters and stacked Cokin ND filter and f22 aperture at midday in a summer sun, leading to few usable images (but still I managed to get a few decent shots for my Xefina book). So from here-on in it should be easier, especially at the bookends of the day when light levels are lower and I can achieve 2 and 4 minute exposures.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Photo Exhibition - Conclusion
Now I can concentrate on my Sofobomo book project. I see there are many more adherents this time around. There seems to bea pent-up desire to get photobooks out there. All good..
Friday, March 6, 2009
Maputo in B&W - Photo Exhibition

On the 12th of March I will be participating in a group photographic exhibition at the AMF Gallery (Associação Moçambicana de Fotografia) together with other members of the Kupfula Photography Movement .
The exhibition is titled "Maputo in Black and White" and our pictures will be.. in black and white. I am still busy choosing which pictures to put in, and frankly, am not having an easy time of it. I haven't really been photographing the city lately, so I'm probably going to have to resort to some old work. Pity my Sofobomo project hasn't started yet, otherwise I'd have loads of material to work with. Alas I have another month or two before I actually start taking pictures for that project.
So, anyway, if you're in Maputo between the 12th and 22nd of March feel free to drop in and have a look at our photographs. There are 11 of us and there should be some unique perspectives to this city we all live in. If you can't make the show then I'm sure we'll have a virtual gallery at our website.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
SOFOBOMO - Chapter 1
I read back through my post and I see that my approach has more to do with the method of collecting my pictures and less on deciding on a theme or idea.. I guess that is true to a degree, because most of photography has to do with finding an image. I don't want to sound like I'm generalising, and this approach obviously doesn't apply to ALL photography. But I think most of it is found, not "created".
So, I'm out to find images. How does that process work? Well, basically, I get in my car.. drive around and look for things to photograph.. look for situations, juxtapositions. I have to climb into my photographer's suit to do this. And no, it's not a photovest! It's a frame of mind. I try to clear my head and let my eyes see, and sure enough they will see something. I'll raise my camera to my eye, and take a picture. If I have time, I will explore the subject (object?).. I will think of different perspectives.. different juxtapositions. I will try more often than not to simplify, to exclude the clutter so I can concentrate my eye, and my viewer's eye on what really interests me. Sometimes a photograph is more about feeling, about what it felt when I take the photograph. These are the hardest pictures to explain, but sometimes the most satisfying ones when they work. I rarely get a feeling like that, but sometimes I will get an excitement, like a child on the morning of Christmas racing down the stairs and in eager anticipation of presents.. I will feel the image, it will move me, and I know I have something incredible (that is.. for me. You may just not get it, and that is also fine).
Some photographers talk about hunters and fishermen, to describe themselves. Do they seek out an image, do they have an idea of what they want (pre-visualisation) or are they content to cast a line and see what comes up? I am probably a mix of both. I am content to fish, but once an image starts forming in my mind I think more in terms of what I want, how it must look as a printed picture, and I start manipulating what I see or am looking for so that it can fit with my ideal. Which is why my approach may seem haphazard, of searching aimlessly. however the process of refining images happens en-route. Photography is a process, not a “thing”. One doesn’t DO photography. One IS a photographer, and this interaction between subject and photographer is in a constant state of flux. Sometimes we are receptive to what our subjects offer us, and at others we seek the subject out, our ideal.
More on the project.. As I wrote yesterdays piece, some ideas started floating in my mind. Using film will slow down my picture taking, and using a medium format camera will slow me down even more. I expect to take maybe 10 to 15 pictures in a day. My success rate will be fairly low, so in order to hit the magic number of 35 prints I’m going to “cheat” and bring along a digital camera as well. Once I’m happy that I’ve got a good image, I’ll re-take it with a digital camera.. that way if the film fails I will still have an image to work with. Ideally though I will only end up using film images. Once the pictures are taken I will have the negatives developed at a local Photography school and then scan them at home. I’ll do 2 weekends of shooting, and two weekends of scanning, editing, manipulating and layout. It’s tight.. but doable.
As to the subject.. I’ve just bought a neutral density filter.. so I think I may do some water studies, as well as time/motion studies. Normally these have to be done at the edges of the day because of the light.. but this filter is around 16 stops so it should slow down the film nicely, which will allow me to shoot in broad daylight but still capture the images I have in mind.. At least I hope so! It looks like very few people in this book.. unless they stand very very still.
Over and out