Well, reason won out over emotion, I have to say (see previous post for an explanation). After much umming and arring I decided to go for a 2008 F4 Felt. The bike is in perfect nik, great groupset, and after a few choice upgrades feels as good as new. No, even better. The seat is now a Specialized Toupe 143 with a split in the middle so I don't get too saddle sore. The handlebar tape has been upgraded with gel liners, new gears at the back for better climbing, and brand new shoes round out the purchase. Did a quick cycle on the Lowveld hills, in preparation for the Panorama, and yesterday did a Mozal double-loop, managing to climb up Matola ridge at a nice steady (anaerobic 170 bpm) pace! The bike feels light and I'm still not used to how responsive it is.. almost kicked the bike from under me when I got out of the saddle, which just goes to show the difference between a stiff carbon fibre bike and an aluminium one. Not that I'm knocking my old Scott Cyclocross... Far from it. It was an honourable steed and served me well on the horrible Maputo streets. But I have evolved as a cyclist (I hope!) and it's splendid all-round nature no longer meets my specific racing and training needs. So out with the old, and in with the new (old).
Oh, did I mention it was second-hand?
I had to forgo the (arguably) more aerodynamic Felt AR4 and it's beautiful matt sheen and beautiful lines. The rear wheel arch is quite splendid.. But I digress.. Back to my F4. It is absolutely fantastic. Light, responsive, great components, reasonably comfortable to ride, although I'll have more to say on that when I'm going up to Namaacha later on in the week. The Namaacha climb, for those non-cyclists of you out there, is quite a mission to get up. An almost all up-hill 16km climb, with the final stretch almost a wall. There is no more liquid in your body to shed a tear on the top.
What else to say about it? Nawt else, except I hope to do a lot more cycling in the future!