In case you've been wondering why I have been so quiet on the photographic front, it is because I have been training for the Cape Argus Cycle tour. This cycle race is an annual event held in Cape Town and is the largest timed cycle race in the world, with over 40,000 entrants! Pretty impressive numbers. I am just really interested in cycling up Chapman's Peak Drive, the sort of place you expect a James Bond chase scene to be filmed, or the latest Ferrari car advert. As long as it's not blowing a gale.. like last year. We will also have the honour of Lance Armstrong's presence.. finally deigned to do a fun race. Guess he has time to kill before the next Tour de France. Well, I am looking forward to the race, sipping some wines afterwards, and shooting some fabulous sunsets as well (you see, I haven't QUITE forgotten my photography just yet).
Training so far has been intense, meeting up with the local cycle gang at 5:15 every morning during the week and then longer rides over the weekends. This last week we did a 95Km run to Moamba on Saturday and then the climb up to Namaacha from Boane, around 90Kms. This coming weekend is a local 140km race to Goba and back..
So less than a month to go to the big race, and after that I will start preparing for climbing Mount Namuli, Mozambique's second tallest mountain. And there I WILL be taking pictures...
Signing off..
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