Here are some pictures from my Argus Race. It was quite a tough event, and it may seem a bit repetitive to re-live it in another post on my blog, but it truly was a mammoth slog. I still have a distinct memory of the discomfort I felt going up Suikerbossie, as well as the sheer terror of the downhill sections on Champan’s Peak, with crazed cyclists whizzing past me at breakneck speed. At the same time I remember feeling the distinct pleasure of passing most cyclists on both Boyes drive as well as the uphill sections on Chappies. It was great fun on the training run the previous day, with Carlos Sales and Matt Singleton.
Can’t wait till next year's Argus.. Till then we have the Panorama, I'm already registered for the 94.7 in November and there's the famous Jock in Barberton to contend with. This should be an interesting year!

Pictures care of Carlos Sales, anonymous bystander and Actionphoto.net
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