Waiting for the start..
Carlos has escaped, Patrick gives chase stretching the peloton
Radio Marconi & and the potholes start picking off riders
Just 3 on the front, but Gustavo is catching up

I am happy to report that I have won the Hell of the South Copa Race! The race was quite hard and unexpectedly quite a large field turned up for the race, as it is known as one of the hardest races in the Mozambican calendar. There is some discussion on whether or not Dois Picos/Twin Peaks is harder, which with it's extra distance (tot 150km) and Namaacha and Goba climbs makes it a tough one, but I contend that the Hell of the South is much harder (maybe because I won?!) because the terrain is so unusual and difficult.
As it was the race started with Carlos immediately escaping an the peloton warming up and then through a succession of efforts by Patrick, Matt and Kinha, chased him back by Boane. The climb into town ejected a few riders out the back although the bulk of the peloton stuck together until the start of the Boane - Moamba pothole section, which took many casualties (Matt Singleton was the first to go) in terms of blown tyres and the fast pace whittled the field down even more. A succession of attacks by Gustavo, Carlos and Mario kept the pace high but the potholes were the main event. By the last climb on that section the group was down to 7 cyclists, but the fast descent took out 3 rider's wheels and Patrick and Miguel were off on a break while in the rear Mario chased hard, with Vicente on his heels until he too flatted. Gustavo was also chasing. Miguel flatted but was lucky that his support vehicle was on-hand to swap his wheel and he managed to rejoin the front with ease.
It was a group of 3 that made the turn-off onto the EN4 where Patrick started pushing into the wind. However when it came to take turns the pace died as neither Miguel nor Mario were willing to use themselves up just yet, with another 50km or so to go. Eventually Gustavo bridged to the slowing group and then Kinha and Carlos, who had flatted almost at the same time, were able to rejoin and with this new blood the pace picked up as Kinha tried to shake off some of the cyclists in this group. Eventually Gustavo detached but all the others gritted teeth and held on. Miguel tried a few attacks in concert with Kinha but they came to naught as the headwind was just enough to take the edge off the attacks and give the advantage to the following cyclists.
It was going to be decided with a sprint.
And what a sprint it was - Kinha kept the pace strong leading to Shoprite until Carlos exploded on the left with 400m and opened a gap. Kinha followed with Mario, then Miguel and Patrick on his wheel. Once Carlos was caught Mario pounced with 200 metres to go and only Miguel could hold his wheel, but do no more as Mario (yes, yours truly!) crossed the line in 3:25:12 by a bike-length.
Some finishers managed to get 2 flats, so tough were the pothole section! Three cyclists in the final sprint, Kinha and Carlos and Miguel each had one flat. Most agressive riders for the race have to be Carlos and Kinha who both kept the pace high with constant attacks. Momentous stuff, and we were all glad to finish such a tough race.
Rei do Sul / Hell of the South finishers:
1st.......Mario Traversi...........3:25:12
2nd.....Miguel Teixeira..........3:25:13
3rd......Patrick Verissimo........3:25:15
4th......Kinha Fonseca............3:25:17
5th......Carlos Sales................3:25:20
6th......Gustavo Da Silva.........3:37:20
7th......Vicente Mafumo..........3:50:53
8th......João Rodrigues..........4:01:02
9th......Matthew Singleton.....4:09:36
10th....Abilio Matusse............4:09:37
Here is a link to the race route, although there was a slight change this year with the exclusion of the Mozal loop and the finish was moved forward from the Sasol petrol station to the Matola Shoprite.
Next race is Volta a Goba on the 17th of April, 135km from Matola to the base of the Goba climb and then back to Boane, around Mozal with a finish in front of Shoprite. Registration is at 6:20 and the race starts at 6:40. Last year the race was won by Mario Sauder in a time of 4:20:38 with a solo effort half-way through the race. How will this year's event unfold?!
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