Thursday, January 13, 2011

X-Mas Challenge/Festive 500 winners announced

Hello all,
The winners of the Festive 500 challenge have been announced, and you can check them out here.
Just a reminder of the Festive 500 - a challenge to cycle 500km in 8 days between the 23rd and 30th of December 2010. I am amongst the lucky hundred or so who managed to complete the task and keep fit in this traditionally food-centric period of stuffed turkey, roast beef, eggnog and a plethora of sweets, cakes, christmas pudding and whatnot. Thankfully I live in the southern hemisphere so I merely had to brave 35 degree weather and a bit of sun-burn for my attempt. Northern hemisphere types (all of the winners in fact..) had to endure much worse weather, so I'm not too disappointed in not winning the winter kit. I mean.. when would I wear it??? In the middle of August in Maputo the temperature doesn't dip much below 15 degrees! A warm undershirt yes.. Maybe arm and knee warmers, but that's about it! Actually the winter here in Mozambique is a fantastic time to cycle. It's dark in the mornings but good lighting along the road and the total absence of.. anything.. makes for a lonely but strangely calming ride. Almost like a meditation.

Ok, enough nattering and let me go do some work. Till the next Rapha challenge then..

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